Training Materials
Advanced Emotional Intelligence: Personal Skills

Course on EI Competencies Such as Self-Awareness, Self-Motivation, Self-Management & Handling Fear
Fully Customisable Training Course Material
“Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment based on what you are feeling and thinking. That is what’s real.”
Doc Childre
Today, it is well established that mastering Emotional Intelligence (EI) plays a significant role in an individual’s life. A critical number of competencies within EI relate to personal skills which is the subject of this course. Self-awareness and self-analysis can significantly help us to understand why we do what we do and what we can change in ourselves to get more energy, respond better to others and efficiently interact with them and understand them.
This course follows on from Emotional Intelligence course and allows delegates to focus more specifically on personal skills using a variety of examples, case studies, example conversations and techniques to master each EI competency. Delegates explore topics such as self-esteem, behaviour cycle, positive versus negative thinking, handling fear, motivation, power phrases and so on. You can use this course in combination with EI: Interpersonal Skills to cover all competencies within EI.
The course contains numerous exercises that are designed to raise delegate’s awareness and help them think about critical behaviours. The aim is to change the point of view of those who might have habitually used certain behaviours without realising the full effect of them when used on others. Awareness raising discussions and interactive exercises help delegates to significantly change their behaviour using simple yet powerful techniques.
The course also contains content on how to handle other people’s reaction to your growth. Family, friends and colleagues can be resistive to your positive change. The ability to handle their reaction well and help them to grow with you is an important skill which will enable you to become more emotionally intelligent.
In this highly practical course delegates will learn:
- What is a behaviour cycle and what are its implications?
- How can you boost your self-esteem?
- How to analyse and balance life to make sure nothing is neglected
- How to prevent ‘flooding’
- What are ‘positive replacement’ phrases and how can they help you?
- What is a ‘power continuum’ and how can it help you to improve your interactions with others?
- Why do we worry?
- How to use positive mentality
- How to automate positive thinking
- Why some people are more motivated than others?
- What is the key mentality that leads to significant success?
- What can you learn from successful people in history?
- How can you make yourself motivated?
- Why do we become afraid?
- What are different kinds of fears and how to handle them?
- How to get out of your comfort zone
Handling Reactions
- What are ‘emotional reactions’?
- What is the root cause of reactions and what does it mean to you?
- How to seek and give support
- What is the best strategy to handle other people’s resistance to your growth?
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What Is Included
Everything you need to run the course:
- Slides
- Workbook
- Exercises
- Handouts
- Trainer Notes
- Specific Course Guidelines
- Agenda
- Guidelines on Training Methodology
- Course Outline
- Recommended Readings
- Feedback Forms
- Certificate of Achievement

By the end of this course delegates will be able to:
Courseware Features
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- Get multiple courses to get discounts and create tailored training
- Pay using all major debit / credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay and Google Pay.
- After payment processing, you are redirected to a download page
- You will also receive emails with download links
- Unzip the package and access all the training resources in MS Office format
You can customise, edit and modify the content as you desire
Unlimited workbook reprinting rights
The downloadable training package contains all you need to deliver a course
Designed based on the latest research in educational psychology, cognitive psychology, social sciences and business practices
Designed in line with the principles of accelerated learning
Designed to include many examples, case studies and exercises to improve learning and retention
Order online and download immediately after purchase
Receive editable source files in MS Office 365 (Word DOC/DOCX and Power Point PPT/PPTX) and previous Office versions 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 & 2016

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About the Design Philosophy of Advanced Emotional Intelligence: Personal Skills Course
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Skills Converged is a unique company that provides professionally designed fully-customisable training course materials based on the latest research in learning & development. Courses are designed with attention to detail both on content and style so that you can deliver unique state-of-the-art courses to your clients and get maximum results.