In-Depth Guides on Train the Trainer

Long read articles on how to deliver impeccable training courses and how to teach well on any subject.

Course DesignPurpose, Objectives, Goals and Eureka Moments

Purpose, Objectives, Goals and Eureka Moments

We all instinctively have an idea of what goals, purpose and objectives are, but when creating training courses, have you ever considered how they compare? How do all these terms relate to each oth...

Course DesignDesign Memorable Courses with Eureka Concepts

Design Memorable Courses with Eureka Concepts

Learn how to use Eureka concepts and Eureka moments in instructional design to boost training and make content memorable. The approach to course design that I present here can do wonders for you an...

Course DesignInstructional Design Theories

Instructional Design Theories

There are many instructional design theories and it is easy to get lost in a sea of acronyms. When I was researching this area, it seemed that many of them are covering the same ideas and principle...

Course DesignThe Atelier Method Can Significantly Boost Your Training

The Atelier Method Can Significantly Boost Your Training

Learn about the powerful atelier method of training and see how you can apply it to your own training courses when teaching on any subject. See how the method helped produce great art, in line with...

Course DesignHow to Design a Training Course

How to Design a Training Course

This definitive guide will show you how to design a training course in 17 steps. Course design can be quite complex. Not only you need to know your content, you also need to know how to teach it, h...

Course DesignHow to Design a Course Feedback Form

How to Design a Course Feedback Form

Knowing what the delegates think of your training course can be extremely valuable as you get to see what works and what needs improving. In this article, I am going to share with you a series of i...

Invest in Yourself to Become a Better Trainer

Teaching is a life skill. Whatever your subject matter, even if you change it in the future, your ability to teach well is something that never goes obsolete, always remains useful and satisfying.

Train the Trainer Resources

Learn to teach with our train the trainer courses, books and materials:

online train the trainer courses

Online Train the Trainer Courses

instructor-led train the trainer courses

Instructed-Led Train the Trainer Courses

train the trainer books

Train the Trainer Books

Mix Up Groups with Random Group Generator

Create unique combinations of breakout groups and repeatedly mix up students quickly and efficiently. Use our free software to create printable clock buddies handouts.