Illustration Exercise: Artistic Evolution of Animals

Illustration Exercise: Artistic Evolution of Animals

In this creative exercise, delegates get to use their illustration skills and imagination in making new creatures that resemble known animals. It is a great exercise to use the power of imagination...

Illustration Exercise: Circular Life Drawing

Illustration Exercise: Circular Life Drawing

This standard exercise is ideal to get a group of delegates practice drawing from life without using a specific model.

Storytelling Exercise: Collective Story Making

Storytelling Exercise: Collective Story Making

In this exercise delegates get to practice writing stories by creatively adding their own extensions to a series of stories and collectively develop them. This is an ideal exercise for creative par...

Icebreaker: Art Class Warm Up

Icebreaker: Art Class Warm Up

This icebreaker is ideal for art classes on various topics such as illustration, drawing and painting. Suppose you want your new delegates to get to know each other better while at the same time ga...