Telephone Exercise: Challenging Telephone Conversations

Telephone Exercise: Challenging Telephone Conversations

Knowing how to talk on the phone is critical these days as a lot of communication takes place on the phone. Many times, you may need to respond to unusual requests or remarks and think on the spot ...

Acting Exercise: Act Out The Roles

Acting Exercise: Act Out The Roles

In this exercise, participants learn how to act or roleplay certain roles. Acting is a very useful skill. It can greatly help people to place themselves in position of others and learn to think lik...

Communication Exercise: Mime It Out!

Communication Exercise: Mime It Out!

This is a fun activity which can be used to demonstrate the importance of non-verbal communication as well as a good energiser. This exercise is most suited to bigger groups of delegates but can be...

Communication Exercise: Job Pantomime

Communication Exercise: Job Pantomime

This fun exercise generates a lot of laugh and is very effective in putting participants in a good mood especially after a long training session. Although designed as a communication exercise, it c...

Energiser: Synchronised Movement

Energiser: Synchronised Movement

This is a fun activity which can be used as an energiser or icebreaker within any group of people. The physical movement associated with this exercise makes it ideal for long training sessions wher...

Eye Contact

Eye Contact

This exercise helps the delegates to understand the importance of eye contact and appreciate its social implications. People can also compare themselves with others in making eye contact which is u...

Icebreaker: Act it Out

Icebreaker: Act it Out

This is fun ice breaker which can also be used as an energiser. This creative activity allows participants to become more relax especially at the start of the session.

Public Speaking: What If No One Cared?

Public Speaking: What If No One Cared?

For many people public speaking doesn’t come naturally and they may develop a fear largely because of the way the society puts pressure on people who are in the spotlight. However, public speaking ...

Team Building Exercise: Adverts

Team Building Exercise: Adverts

This fun exercise aims to encourage team work and creativity within organisations. The delegates get to test their design skills and learn to communicate their ideas effectively to other team members.